Indianapolis Public Schools Chose Cenergistic® to Avert a Major Budget Obstacle — And Became a National Sustainability Leader in the Process

How Indianapolis Public Schools Saved Millions
With a looming utility rate increase, Indianapolis Public Schools (IPS) found itself in a budget deficit. Properly sustaining the district’s academic programs, handling a significant enrollment increase and ensuring necessary supplies and technology for classrooms required additional funding. Since partnering with Cenergistic in June 2018, IPS has saved $6.9M and earned national recognition for its high-achieving conservation program.
Download the Full Case Study:
Total Savings: $6.9 Million
31,000+ Students
33-Percent Energy Reduction
"Working with a company like Cenergistic® to dramatically reduce our energy consumption is critical to the financial success of our school district.”
Dr. Lewis Ferebee Former Superintendent, Indianapolis Public Schools
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