DALLAS, TX, November 14, 2018 — Cenergistic is pleased to announce that Westfield Washington Schools (WWS) has chosen to partner with Cenergistic and implement their Sustainability Solutions for energy reduction and utility cost savings to fund an ongoing $90M construction project for cleaner, safer and greener facilities.
WSS originally partnered with Cenergistic 2011, implementing a full-scale energy conservation program that ran successfully through 2015. Leveraging Cenergistic, WSS was able to reduce its energy use index (EUI) by 41 percent. With expanded facilities in focus and rising utility rates, the district re-engaged Cenergistic to offset their annual utility spend and close funding gaps, efficiently maintain building and classroom comfort and develop a district-wide culture of sustainability.
“We have successfully been able to utilize the cost savings found through implementation of Cenergistic’s Sustainability Solutions in the past, and placed that funding back into critical achievement programs for student success,†said WWS Superintendent, Dr. Sherry Grate. “I’m delighted about what the future holds and look forward to continued success and savings. Partnering with Cenergistic will dramatically reduce our energy consumption and become critical to the financial success of our district.â€
WWS will have a trained Energy Specialist on site, engineering professionals and M&V (Measurement and Verification) experts who are equipped with cloud-based, machine-learning software to optimize WWS’ equipment, energy usage and occupant comfort of all district buildings and facilities. The Cenergistic team will work closely with WWS and Sodexo personnel in these efforts.
“We are thrilled with the opportunity to work with Westfield Washington Schools again to capture cost savings for the district that can be redirected to fund new, state of the art facilities,†said Cenergistic Vice Chairman, Dr. Randy Hoff. “Westfield Washington has an amazing school culture, dedicated leadership and a strong commitment to sustainability.  Our partnership further highlights their stewardship of community dollars.â€
About Cenergistic
For 33 years Cenergistic has helped over 1,450 K-12 districts, institutions of higher education, governments and healthcare facilities find more than $5.3B in hidden electricity, natural gas and water savings by applying our advanced Ceres™ software platform and sustainability-as-a-service solutions on their campuses. Superintendents, CFOs, COOs and board members can reduce energy and water spending by 20-30% annually with no capital investment, while improving the comfort and quality of classroom and building environments, helping students and employees achieve their full potential. For ten consecutive years, Cenergistic has been recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year. To learn more visit www.cener2staging.wpengine.com.
About Westfield Washington Schools
Westfield serves students on nine campuses throughout the district. WWS vision is to be an exemplary learning organization focused on collaboration, innovation, and continuous growth for all; and their mission is to provide rigorous and engaging experiences to prepare all children – socially, emotionally, and academically – for their future.

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