Westfield Washington Schools Combines Energy Cuts, Student Health
December 1, 2020

Now that students are back in schools, the program has adjusted its priorities to help ensure building ventilation adheres to Centers for Disease Control standards while students and teachers remain comfortable in their classrooms.
“Our partnership with Cenergistic has allowed us to save energy and save money that can be redirected to higher priorities in our schools,” said Joe Montalone, Director of Operations at WWS. “And we are able to accomplish this without sacrificing comfort in the classroom.”
WWS personnel and the program’s Energy Specialist act as energy watchdogs, working in tandem to audit and optimize energy-using systems across the organization to achieve peak efficiency. The Energy Specialist tracks energy consumption at all campuses with state-of-the-art technology to identify waste and drive conservation.
The results of this partnership have saved the District more than $400,000 and seen four facilities earn ENERGY STAR® Building Certification, distinguishing them among the most efficient in the country.
About Westfield Washington Schools
The mission of Westfield Washington Schools is to provide rigorous and engaging experiences to prepare all children — socially, emotionally, and academically — for their future.
About Cenergistic
Since 1986 Cenergistic has partnered with 1470+ educational, municipal government and healthcare organizations to achieve $5.8 billion in utility savings and cost avoidance. These strong results come from the application of Cenergistic’s organizational behavior-based strategies and are enhanced by our proprietary software platform to drive building and equipment optimization. Our energy conservation program reduces utility consumption by an average of 25% with no capital investment while maintaining or improving the comfort and quality of building environments. For more than a decade, Cenergistic has been recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency as ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year or Partner of the Year – Sustained Excellence. To learn more, visit https://cenergistic.com/about-us/energystar.