Hazlet Township Public Schools Conservation Program Earns Energy Stewardship Recognition

August 3, 2021
HAZLET, NJ — At the July 26, Hazlet Township Public School Board Meeting, the District was formally recognized for Energy Stewardship. The recognition received was from Cenergistic, a national energy conservation company that has partnered with over 1,500 educational, municipal government and healthcare organizations, since 1986, saving nearly $6 billion in utility savings and cost avoidance.


The recognition received for Hazlet Township Public School District was for implementing its comprehensive energy conservation program and saving enough energy in only 44 months, to effectively plant more than 85,000 trees.

Dr. William S. Spears, CEO and Founder of Cenergistic commented, “Dr. Scott Ridley, the board members and the administration (in Hazlet) are demonstrating wise fiscal and environmental stewardship by implementing this unique organizational behavior-based energy conservation program. Using human resources to reduce energy use saves natural and financial resources for the organization and the community.”

According to a press release, the program implemented in Hazlet, delivers financial savings as well as an environmental benefit from reduced carbon footprint. Energy not used prevents the emission of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. According to EPA/EGrid figures, since the program began, Hazlet Township Public Schools has prevented carbon dioxide emissions equivalent to 12,500,137 miles not driven, or 85,226 pine trees grown for 10 years.

To learn more about Cenergistic visit https://cenergistic.com/
